Building blocks

Entity and value object schemas

  • Orders


  • Menu


  • Warehouse


Building blocks classification

  • Customer contact: Value Object
  • Warehouse: Repository
  • Menu: Repository
  • Item: Entity
  • Recipe: Value Object
  • Ingredient: Entity
  • Orders: Repository
  • Order: Entity
  • Order Type: Value Object
    • At the table
    • Take away
    • Home delivery
  • Change order status: Domain Event
  • Create new order: Domain event
  • Order status: Value Object
    • Order completed
    • Order ready
    • Order pending


Functionality Description Parameters Output
CREATE_ORDER When a new order is sent from the customer, it checks if all the needed ingredients by the item recipe are present in the warehouse and then it creates it. After that, it removes all the used ingredients from the warehouse and, in case an ingredient became missing, it sends a notification to the manager application. At the end, it sends a notification to the customer application to tell that the order has been created new order created new order and notification
GET_ORDER_BY_ID It gets an order given its id id of the order collected order
PUT_ORDER It collects the order that has to be modified and updates it. After that it returns all the orders. When a take away order or a home delivery order becomes ready it sends an email updated information of the order all the orders
GET_ALL_ORDERS It gets all the orders all the orders
CREATE_ITEM It creates a new item new item new item
GET_ITEMS It gets all the items all the items
UPDATE_ITEM It updates an item updated information of the item updated item
GET_AVAILABLE_ITEMS It gets all the items made by ingredients that are available in the warehouse available ingredients names all the available items
GET_ITEM_BY_NAME It gets an item given its name name of the item collected item
CREATE_INGREDIENT It creates a new ingredient new ingredient new ingredient
DECREASE_INGREDIENTS_QUANTITY It decreases the quantity of a list of given ingredients list of ingredient and quantity to decrease all the ingredients
GET_ALL_AVAILABLE_INGREDIENT It gets all the ingredients that have quantity greater than 0 all the available ingredients
GET_ALL_INGREDIENT It gets all the ingredients all the ingredients
RESTOCK It restocks the quantity of an ingredient name of the ingredient and the quantity to restock all the ingredients

Building blocks relationship

Building blocks relationship