Use Cases
These are the use cases diagrams made in order to have an easier way to collect the project requirements.
Use case of the orders management
This use case represents the interaction between the employee actor and the customer actor. The first one can read the menu from the web app, must add items to the cart and can send the order. The order is received by the employee. He can read all the pending orders from the PC software and, when the order is completed or ready, he marks it.
Use case of the manager modifying the menu
This use case represents the management of the menu. The actor is the manager. He is allowed to do different actions: he can add a new recipe and modify old ones along with their information.
Use case of the manager interacting with the warehouse
This use case represents the management of the warehouse. The actor is the manager. He is allowed to do different actions: he can add a new ingredient and restock it by updating its quantity.
In addiction the manager receives a notification if an ingredient runs out after a customer has made a new order.