We chose to start from an image with JDK 17 for the microservice relying on the JVM to run.
We provide an environment variable with the address of the database container and then we expose the port.
Lastly, we run the shadowJar of the microservice.
Node back-end components
We chose to start from an image with Node 20, we prefer a light version, for the back-end components relying on Node to run.
We have two stages using the same image: the first one builds the production version of the component using webpack while the second provides an environment variable with the address of the database container and exposes the container port. Lastly, it copies the built version of the project from the previous stage and runs it thanks to Node.
As for the server component, in the start stage we provide also, as environment variables, the names of the containers of the microservices.
Angular applications
We have two stages: the first one starts from a lighter image with Node 20 and build the production version of the application.
The second stage starts from the latest image of nginx. Lastly, it copies the built version of the project from the previous stage and exposes the container port.
For simplification, we didn't provide a docker image of the Java app EmployeeApplication.
Docker compose
In the docker compose we have the following services:
- mongo
- server
- menu-service
- orders-service
- warehouse-service
- manager-application
- customer-application
Each service has its local port mapped and it connects to a bridge network called DistributedCafeNetwork.
Also, some of them have a list of the services they depend on and one or more volumes, depending on the starting image they use.
The services dependencies are the following:
- mongo: it has no dependencies since it's the first image that has to be built
- server: it depends on warehouse-service container, menu-service container and order-service container
- warehouse-service, menu-service and order-service: they depend on mongo container
- manager-application and customer-application: they depends on server container
We already built and published their images on Docker Hub, so the docker compose have just to pull them.
We provide a script called that generates the shadowJar of EmployeeApplication and starts it. It also runs the docker compose.
It is required to have Docker Desktop and Java 17.